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A little history on how this course came about. Colyn Lauer came up with the idea of having a disc golf course here in Plainfield. He kept saying that it would be an improvement and help bring people to the area. Colyn and a few of his friends walked the park, threw discs many times to try and get a good lay out for the course. We went through the Village Board to get the course approved; I believe this all started around 2015. The course was delayed that year due to the late start of getting to that step. The next year there was some clearing of trees in the park and didn’t want to take any chances of the baskets getting crushed by falling trees. Colyn’s plan was to get everything set up for 2017 for it to be installed, he had area photo of the park with roughly locations for the tees and the baskets. In December of 2016 Colyn passed away from a brain aneurysm. Mel and I, Jerry, parents of Colyn decided to go ahead and get the course installed in memory of Colyn. Neither one of us had any idea on how to do any of this but with the help of friends we got it done. It was not perfect the first year but I feel this year, 2018, it improved a lot with the updated tee-pads.
The Disc Golf course is open and ready to be played. The course has twelve (12) Baskets with two (2) different tee-pads per basket. All of the work done to the course is done by volunteers. Our plan is to eventually make it an (18) eighteen basket course. I would like any feedback on the course for improvements that may be needed, you can Email me with any feedback to Jerry Lauer.
The course was installed with the help from many people, without these people it would have taken forever. The baskets where purchased by the Village of Plainfield, Parks. We started out with crushed gravel for the tee-pads that was donated and delivered by Lauer Farms. Labor of install was done by Colyn’s friends and friends of family and family members. Thank you to everyone that had a role in the process of completing the course.
This year we had rubber mats donated by the Plainfield Business Association, we installed (24) twenty-four mats for the new tee-pads. Each basket has two different tee-pads to throw from, a short and a long. We installed tee-pad signs at each tee-pad this year, showing the length to the baskets. Still planning on extending the course to (18) eighteen in the future. More funds will have to be raised and or donated to get us to this point.
Basic Rules
Play the course in the fewest amounts of throws, ending each hole by landing the disc in the basket.
Tee Off:
Tee throws must be made from the crushed gravel, concrete tee pad. Run-up and follow through is permitted.
The lie is determined by where the disc has come to rest.
Fairway Throw:
Throws from the fairway must be made from made from the lie. Run-up and follow through is permitted.
If within 10 yards of the target, player may not step past the lie while attempting the throw.
Out of Bounds:
O.B. is not set for this course. It is designed to throw the disc from the lie. You can play with boundaries if you desire.
Do not throw until other players, park users, and cars are out of range. Please take care of the equipment, stay off personal property, and let faster groups play through. Beware of traffic and others.